Be Super!?
Be Super clarifies important aspects in life that most people don’t even think about too deeply:
Life after death and higher dimensions?!
We all have a Soul and this is predominantly based in what many refer to as the The 5th Dimension. You will not transmute into a non-physical being – you are already a non-physical being AND a physical being COMBINED. Your non-physical aspects include thought, wisdom and feelings as well as the capacity to live a full life as you do now – “just not physically” (this may be hard to understand) – but I have experienced it first hand and it is true. A non-physical life exists in almost the same way as a physical life – it has emotions and thoughts, they are just not supported with a physical form.
When your physical body dies, your life essence remains – this is your Soul. Your Soul or life essence has lived before, and whilst it is very experienced it seeks to learn more. Your Soul has a purpose, and whilst you can find this out, most people never do, and subsequently their Soul keeps reincarnating to fulfill what it never fully experienced. Even if you know your Souls purpose it doesn’t mean you will achieve it.
NOW is a significant synchronised cycle of time:
The earth and our galaxy are currently going through a significantly challenging and changeable period – this period will cause much of life on earth to be exterminated – this is a little more disconcerting than accepting that everyone dies at some point.
Humans will be exterminated mainly through new viruses (worst than covid-19) that will cause dysfunction, dis-ease and death to billions of people (this will happen because most people have a weak immune system). We will also face extermination from major natural disasters and possible asteroid or missile impacts. We will also face extermination from magnetic polar reversals on the Sun and in Earth.
We are likely to face challenges, especially fear over loss of power, from what we refer to as alien beings – although this is real, it is not a threat.
Our main threat is from our current lack of consciousness, or lack of self-actualisation – or lack of awareness of who and what we really are. We are our own greatest threat when we allow thoughts, intelligence, and wisdom to rule over love.
We cannot rely on love and compassion for survival – this is as much a threat as no love. We need love to dominate the integration of love and intelligence (we must integrate the 5th and 4th Dimensions and their polarities).
We need to integrate AI not fear it or fight it:
Our left brain domination, will further detach us from right brain truth and love by attachment to AI and what will become known as Trans humans because it will threaten to distance us further from our true selves. Trans humans are the likes of me and you who may succumb to AI implants in our brains, or other parts of our body, wrists, bracelets, chest straps and rings etc – as well as mobile devices.
Access to almost unlimited information at lightning speed will increase our misplaced levels of unconsciousness (we will further believe we know everything, when in fact if we do not allow love to integrate our polarities we will be even further from the truth).
True knowing, may be our greatest challenge, because we may not utilise the 5th Dimension to integrate this wisdom with love, compassion and consciousness.
A few very conscious and loving beings vs many very unconscious and intelligent beings. AND EVEN FEWER WHO KNOW WHAT TO DO.
Practical challenges:
More people are going to be exterminated more than we can imagine and certainly predict. The Souls from most who die will not return to physical bodies on earth simply because there will not be enough physical bodies left. This will not be a sudden or single catastrophic event, it will happen over the next 25 – 50 years (probably no longer than this).
The Hue man beings that remain, and those that give birth to a new generation, will provide a smaller number of physical bodies for the higher vibrating Souls that will reincarnate. Earth will vibrate at a higher frequency than it has been. Hue mans that remain on earth will fully integrate multIple dimensions, through 5th Dimensional compassion.
Those whose Souls have not been allowed to perceive a physical life at a higher vibration, will still reincarnate. However, they will reincarnate on another planet – possibly Mars (depending on how successful Elon Musk is in colonising Mars and or other planets in other galaxies – they will reincarnate to planets whose vibrations matches their own).
It is not your Soul that needs to raise its vibrating frequency – it is your physical being and your community:
The reincarnation of your Soul will be determined by the vibrational frequency of your physical being and doing. This transmutation takes years – so the longer you leave it the less time you have left. We also have to change the vibration of the environment or commuity. This is essential because returning/reincarnated Souls need physical bodies that have the support of a higher vibrating family, group, community, and ideally planet.
By transmuting now you may have time to save your own Soul (and possibly your body) – let your new way of being and doing inspire others you love to do the same.
Because we were not created to be mere mortals!
- Humans or Hue-mans (beings of multiple dimensional vibrating frequencies) are not mortal beings (meaning our life essence does not die).
- We are divine beings (beings that were created to transcend perceived limitations – including physical death).
- Mankind has an unlimited potential to create, because we have within us, and around us, the same power as that which created The Freedom Potential for all life (some may call this power ‘God’).
- We experience being and doing in the 3rd Dimension, however at our core we have a natural intuitive calling to perceive from the 5th Dimension – (The Freedom Potential). This essentially means that whilst you may be capable of accessing 5th Dimensional experiences from time to time, in order to maximise the benefits of higher dimensional Informational Energy, your physical body must be capable of regenerating new higher vibrating cells.
- In essence you will physically transmute new cells from behaving in a manner that is governed by the 5th Dimension. These new cells will further transmute your overall vibrating frequency so you may perceive that which is currently beyond you. It is from this higher vibrating frequency that newly reincarnated Souls will return.
In order to do this correctly means when we behave and do things from a physically perfect or ‘functionally optimal’ focus. This means a knowing of how to access and utilise Informational Energy from lower and higher dimensions (microbiomes, mitochondria, cellular and neuron patterns and shapes, and sounds and light) – through breathing, being and doing. This is because, at certain times, (NOW and the next 25-50 years) opportunities better present themselves, and The Freedom Potential to create is greater than at none synchronised times. To Be Super is to know this and to take advantage.
Physically being and doing IN FLOW is what we were created for – hence our main 3rd Dimensional state. We were not created to think or feel before or whilst being and doing. Being Super is about creativity and limitless being and doing, which later utilises thoughts and feelings by reviewing, sharing, and co-creating.
Thinking and feeling and Informational Energy from the higher dimensions facilitate a pathway for FLOW – and Flow facilitates unhindered limitation.
Flow of self is optimal when we nurture self-actualisation.
Flow with others, and relationships is optimal when we nurture team-actualisation.
Flow is a physical state, facilitated by very low 4th and 5th dimensional activity whilst being and doing.
What should we be and do?
We exist to manage the ongoing creation of natural life on earth – which obviously includes our own kind, as well as all other life on earth – and earth itself.
To Be Super is to manage by being and doing with ease. Flow is optimal ease and it is an example or documentation of the true and authentic Flow of optimal functionality.
It requires us to integrate the polarities of all that we perceive on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual (non-physical) basis so life Flows with ease to be the greatest version of itself.
Consciousness is the word that defines a Hue man having optimal self and team actualisation.
The word unconscious refers to a spectrum of not being conscious (it does not refer to a state of sleep or lack of mental awareness). Indeed, unconscious refers to a state that is dominated by thoughts and sometimes emotions – none of which are based on authentic true being and doing!
Mankind suffers from the misperception of limitation.
The key factor that has been hindering mankind’s unlimited potential for most of their developing and modified existence, is the ability to transcend their limitations (whatever they are). This hinderence is caused by Hue mans spending too much time associating or identifying ourselves with what we think or feel, rather than by what we do or how we behave when functioning optimally. Identifying oursleves with the 4th or 5th Dimensions is not only a hinderence to our consciousness (the truth), it also causes our 3rd dimensional physical self (which we ultimately rely on for the truth – hence Applied Kinesiology) to become stressed, weak, dysfunctional and dis-eased.
You cannot master The freedom Potential, The 5th Dimension, and Polarity Integration until after you have healed and cleared the 4th and 5th Dimensions of thoughts and emotions that hinder your limitless potential.
You must conquer the unconscious before you.master the consciousness.
Consciousness is love.
The opposite of love or consciousness is unconsciousness.
Unconsciousness is to use yourself, or to use others, or allow yourself to be used within limitations – it is a hinderence, it is dark and evil.
The following infographic seeks to clarify consciousness and unconsciousness: