Register for FREE with Be Super – Work with me (the founder) on a focus group
for those already tuning in at higher levels of consciousness.
Let us work together to UNITE those who seek to tune in at the highest levels. This UNIFICATION will be determined by those involved – those who let actions speak the truth!
“Allow co-operative equitable love to illuminate your care for the welfare of the vulnerable, the planet and all life”.
Let others see, feel and experience your SPIRIT, through the unified energy of physical, mental and emotional equitable love”.
Certain frequencies allow communication with SPIRITUAL BEINGS.
Higher levels of consciousness (higher frequencies) tune you into your own SPIRITUAL BEING – and the spiritual beings of others – INCLUDING CE5 CONTACT.
Oops the joke is on me – yes I put C5 on the video, and it should be CE5, the app is new to me so let’s not let a letter hinder our progress – lol.
If you are interested in CE5 Contact then register for FREE with Be Super and let us UNITE TO TUNE IN TO SPIRITUAL & ET CONTACT.
The 25 mile area around Rochdale is one of the most frequently visited areas in the UK; however, I am interested in contacting people/SPIRITS from beings anywhere on planet Earth (and beyond).
Why Rochdale and the surrounding area?
Despite some of the highest levels of poverty, crime and deprivation – we also have some of the nicest people in the UK. When you have experienced low points in life and chosen positivity over negativity then you are on the pathway for truth. People in this area are supportive of the vulnerable and do justice.
This energy vibrates much higher and attracts SPIRITUAL BEINGS – they want more people to tune in to this level of energy.
Actions communicate – join us / register for free and work with us.
Regular (weekly and monthly) social interaction to enhance SPIRITUAL BEING REALISATION will be co-ordinated by the founders of Be Super Ltd – Marcus and Sharon Pearson.
Thank you for tuning in so far . . . RETURN TO UNIFIED AGENDA – INDEX PAGE

Marcus is focused on supporting others better interact with themselves and others.