For those who are seeking to interact with their spirit we have created VFP#3 and VFP#6:
VFP#3 has been created for those who are embarking on a personal relationship with their ‘inner golden true spirit’. It is run on a bespoke basis for those involved. A core ‘teaching / blessing’ is provided (with Marcus Pearson also sharing insights into his own enlightenment) and then it is run as a workshop with everyone sharing insights and learning from one another.
For those who already have coherence with their true inner gold spirit; and seek to interact with the inner gold spirit of others – we have created VFP#6. This is a development and nurturing group and initially will be arranged as a retreat – to beconfirmed with those who seek to tune in.
It starts with interacting with your own spirit on a physical basis.
It progressess to interacting on a spirit:spirit basis with others.
In order to be ready for this it is likely that you will have experienced VFP#0, VFP#1, VFP#8 and others.