Underlying Principles of LiCrON.
The following information is quite detailed (and we have no excuses for the unusual words and phrases); it is provided for those who seek detail and the truth – we provide the best and we ‘live and breath’ what we do – because it is part of who we are. What we do and provide is both scientifically tested and approved AND has been used for years by the founders and many healthy people –
Underlying principles –
‘Yin Yang’, ‘Hormesis’, ‘Autophagy’, Antifragility’ & ‘Sarcopenia Prevention’
These will be covered in more detail later, – as a summary however –
LiCrON promotes:
A Yin Yang Energy system that alternates between glycogen and ketones (using fasting and Intermittent Ketosis).
Hormesis (a little bit of bad can be very good for you) – this supports natural anti-inflammatories for antifragility.
Natural optimisation of Autophagy (the natural removal & renewal of unhealthy & dead cells).
Sarcopenia prevention (prevention of muscle loss) via loss of muscle atrophy, fat accumulation & hormonal balance.
Intermittent and prolonged Fasting (to deplete your glycogen, support hormesis and autophagy).

Additional Insights are also a crucial part of the jigsaw . . .

The consumption of Low Carb & Nutritionally Dense Foods.
The burning of triglycerides; the sparing of muscle and nutritional anti-inflammatories.
The jigsaw also involves eating raw and predominantly high frequency/ ionised foods. These are mainly alkaline High Frequency Foods (HFF’s), however, we also support the benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar, which is acidic!
Other foods may also be taken and cooked depending on the choices of the individuals.
LiCrON starts burning body fat to deplete your liver glycogen in a fasted state, preferably with some exercise and then continuing with LiCrON food.
LiCrON and Longevity:
Fasting is optimal and optional – it will help to reduce stress and prolong life!
Hormesis /stress is also a significant requirement (in very small amounts) – read on to understand the balance between low and high stress:
The reason we age is due to the diminishing benefits of our repair and recovery system.
When we eat too often and do little to exert ourselves, then our bodies switch off the repair and recovery enzymes and we stop replenishing bad cells with new cells – we keep the bad cells and they get worse and do not get replaced – we effectively get ill and endure a slow death (especially if we suffer from insulin resistance which is caused by overeating and lack of exercise).
The more we need recovery, the more our system keeps repairing and providing new cells – so we have to live in a way that challenges our physical, emotional and mental states – but this should be in the ration of 95% low stress:5% high stress!
The balance between low stress and high stress is approx 95:5 (95% low:5% high).
Short periods of fasting rests the body (16 – 36 hours). Medium periods of fasting are therapeutic for our health (36 – 120 hours) – it optimises autophagy. Prolonged periods of fasting (120+ hours) may also optimise autophagy, however, it also creates stress or challenges that the body is not used to. (Deending on what you are seeking this may be good, however, every situation should be approached with wisdom).
All types of fasting may utilise what are called ‘cellular NAD(+) concentrations’ – these enzymes change during the aging process, and increased activity of NAD(+) can prolong both health span and life span.(*13)
Stress from fasting or from the factors indicated below, makes the NAD(+) recovery enzymes more active – IT IS THIS ACTIVITY (rather than non-activity) THAT REPAIRS AND RENEWS CELLS rather than leaving them to become toxic and die that prolongs the quality and duration of life.
In addition to stress from fasting, we should also stress the body with ‘periodic/pulsed’ stress from physical experience – such as extreme cold or aerobic or HIIT or strength training or over-eating (including bad foods). But all this ‘hormesis’ should be periodic and not at frequencies or levels that influence us negatively. Challenges should be ‘pulsed or periodic’ and not follow a regular pattern – they should be significant but not be such that physical, emotional or mental performance suffers – if it does then the stress may be too much to be of benefit.
Nutritional Data regarding The LiCrON Programme:
The facts revealed after intensive research . . .
The Nutritional Data relating to The LiCrON Programme will vary considerably
depending on how it is modified from it’s basic and Ultimate Form.
It is based on what we have called
The Ultimate List of Primary Foods.
These consist of the minimum amount of food required to provide an individual with at least 100% of all the vitamins, minerals and amino acids needed per day
(based on the 2016 figures provided by the UK Government). (*0)
This also includes natural antioxidants.
Nutritional Data for The Ultimate List of Primary Foods (ULPF)
(* – This is a reference that is provided as a link at the end)
The LiCrON Programme is low-energy dense (this is good) and supports fat loss and the removal of low level inflammation. (*1)
Research studies (*2) indicate that consuming a low-energy dense diet helps people lower their calorie intake. At the same time, eating low-energy-dense foods helps people control their hunger and maintain feelings of satiety. This is the feeling of fullness and satisfaction experienced at the end of a meal.
Satiety and hunger control are important for long-term weight loss, satisfaction and compliance with an eating plan.
Energy Production (according to Gov. Relevance)
The energy intake on the LiCrON Programme, in terms of kcal/kj is only 42% of Gov. Figures – is this a problem?
In 2017 the mean BMI for men was 27.6 and the mean BMI for women was 27.8 (*3)
This means that as a Nation we are overweight. (*4)
You can calculate your own BMI – (*5)
Health and data – our programme is better than what the Government says is healthy:
If you are overweight or obese or suffer from health problems such as high cholesterol or high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes and you consume only 821kcal per day (as you would following this basic programme – don’t worry, you can increase this – and we show you how), however, even on what appears such a low calorie intake, you will improve your health (*6) and need not suffer from a loss of energy. (*7)
The LiCrON Programme may also be used by those who have a very low BMI (those who are lean).
“Autophagy recycles protein as substrates for energy” – meaning even those with a very low BMI can remain energised on a very low calorific intake. (*8)
Fibre is 85% and Protein is +164% above Gov. Figures
The protein level is actually 67.4g per day or 25g more than the Gov, recommended levels.
So – Do Government Guidelines / Figures make you healthy?
Consider taking 18 mins out of your life to check out this scientific fact about the OFFICIAL GUIDELINES –
Recent studies have indicated that the Gov figures may not be sufficient for muscle mass and strength maintenance. (*9)
This is especially relevant with an ageing population. New research indicates that consumption of two to three meals a day, each containing 25-30g of high-quality protein, is optimal for the stimulation of 24-h muscle protein synthesis (MPS) in healthy adults – and most people can benefit and gain muscle with just one 25-30g meal per day – as per LiCrON! Eating OMAD (One Meal A Day) is especially beneficial as it minimises the time time you are in mTOR and out of a recovery and state of rejuvination (whilst maximising the growth mTOR provides).
This makes The LiCrON Health Programme a perfect choice for our future health.
Medical science supports all aspects of our programme (even though it differs from Government information):