The Optimal Continuum Ratio

The Optimal Continuum Ratio was conceived by Marcus Pearson:

Positive Purpose In Life x  Positive Social Integration plus High Emotional Intelligence

= Quality & Longevity.

or put another way:

(N=>) x (<Level of Consciousness) x Level of Emotional Intelligence =

The Optimal Continuum Ratio

What this means is that when you have a Positive Purpose in Life it is magnified by Positive Social Interaction; furthermore these are magnified further when you and those you interact with also have High Emotional Intelligence. This factor is directly proportional to the quality of your life and the duration of time that your purpose is shared and communicated with others of HEI. (Your inner spirit is what determines your true positive purpose because you are in fact a spirit living in a physical body). When your purpose is magnified (as indicated above) then your spirit will live on after your physical body has deceased and more importantly, with VFP you may experience it whilst your physical body is still alive.

Without a Positive Purpose in Life and without the magnitude of Positive Social Interaction and HEI, then Regeneration and Growth will be limited to the physical body and ego and not to the spirit.

VFP is for you if you want to work towards this end.

VFP is also for you if you simply want the best health and wellbeing programme available.

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