List of Top Superfoods

List of the best superfoods in the world:

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Rather than asking what are the best superfoods? It might be better to further clarify your question into key categories – we have done this below:

The best superfoods in the world are listed below in 4 categories:

Category #1: The most nutritionally dense superfood blend.

Category #2: The best superfoods in the world for hormonal balance and stress.

Category #3 – The list of superfoods that act as a Detox, Cleanser & Anti-Depressant.

Category #4 – List of the best superfoods for longevity and energy production.

Details are provided below:

Category #1: The most nutritionally dense superfood blend:

Certain superfoods are more nutritionally dense than others. Other superfoods provide more antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-ageing properties than others. When you blend them together, in the right quantities, then even greater benefits are possible.

The most nutritionally dense superfood blend in the world is probably SF1 from

It provides more of the RDI (recommended daily intake) for all the vitamins, minerals and amino-acids per 5g than any other superfood or blend of superfoods in the world.

SF1 was developed from research on all the available foods in the world to determine which had the greatest density of micro-nutrients. Antioxidant and ant-inflammatory capacity were also factored in. They were then blended together in the correct quantities to ensure maximum benefit and taste.

Nutritional Research Data

SF1 list of ingredients include:

Barleygrass, Camu Camu, Wheatgrass, Spirulina, Cocao, Chlorella and Astaxanthin – plus Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6), Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) and Calcium with Vitamin D3.

100g of SF1 contains over 100% of the RDA for Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, D, E & K; plus over 100% of the RDA for Calcium, Iron, Zinc & Copper.
SF1 is a Polyphenols Powerhouse.
Super high in superoxide dismutase, beta carotene & chlorophyll, which are natural detoxifiers.
Just one 5g serving of SF1 contains 4mg of Astaxanthin – proven to improve brain health, reduce inflammation & oxidative stress. Astaxanthin as an antioxidant is 6000 times greater than Vitamin C; 500 times greater than Vitamin E & 11 times greater than beta-carotene.
It also has benefits for vision related problems including Glaucoma, Macular Degeneration, Cataracts & Diabetic Retinopathy
SF1 supports physical activity, muscle growth, recovery and helps prevent DOM’S (Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness).

SF1 contains Spirulina, Chlorella and Barleygrass in proportions that provide the
highest natural levels of enzyme SOD (superoxide dismutase) and chlorophyll – natural detoxifiers.

Furthermore, this list of the best superfoods, is not just delicious its “P Diddly Dacious”.

Further details of SF1 and The Ultimate List of Primary Foods contained within The LiCrON Health Programme are available within step 3 of LiCrON.

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Category #2: The best superfoods in the world for hormonal balance and stress are listed below:

The best superfoods in the world for hormonal balance and stress are Turmeric, Ceylon Cinnamon and Ashwagandha. These superfoods act as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant & antidepressant – However, the Turmeric and Ashwagandha are not beneficial superfoods unless you can maximise their bioavailability. In order to do this have created a blend called SF5. This combines them with black pepper (piperine) and sunflower lecithin. This powder should then be further mixed into a golden paste with coconut oil and water.

The list of superfoods within SF5 were initially blended for the elderly and those suffering from inflammation of the joints through age, sport or physical work.

However, one of the incredible benefits of Ashwagandha is its ability to support thyroid health. This helps overcome problems with fatigue, unexplained weight gain and dry skin.

SF5 is a true superblend because the quantities of each superfood is carefully researched and maximised.

According to ‘Medical News Today’ Cinnamon is considered as an alternative treatment for diabetes mellitus.

Ceylon cinnamon stimulates insulin-like activity. It reduces insulin resistance in the body.

Ceylon cinnamon is a promising treatment for people looking for alternatives to synthetic insulin therapy. To use cinnamon as an insulin stabilizer, at least 120 milligrams (mg) per day are recommended. SF5 contains 1000mg of true cinnamon per serving and is a perfect compliment to The LiCrON Health Programme.

Research has also shown that anything less than a 500mg dose of Ashwagandha is a marketing ploy. SF5 provides 750mg per serving – a proven beneficial amount!

As well as helping to overcome chronic low-level inflammation, SF5 can also help prevent metabolic snydrome, Alzheimer’s and various degenerative conditions like diabetes, heart disease, fatty liver disease and cancer.
The super ingredients make it beneficial for those involved in physically or mentally challenging situations because it promotes BDNF. ‘Brain-derived neurotrophic factor’ is active in the hippocampus, cortex, and basal forebrain. These areas are vital to learning, memory, and higher thinking. BDNF is also expressed and beneficial in the retina, kidney, saliva, prostate, motor neurons and skeletal muscle.
SF5 also increases testosterone levels, muscular strength & energy levels.

Category #3 – The list of superfoods that act as a Detox, Cleanser & Anti-Depressant:

The list of superfoods that act as a Detox, Cleanser & Anti-Depressant include Bicarbonate of Soda, Diatomaceous Earth and St. John’s Wart. have blended these together and called it SF3.

As a detoxer and blood cleanser SF3 has benefits for athletes and those involved in physical exercise. When taken before HIIT or other intense exercise, SF3 buffers any lactic acid that builds up in hard-working muscles, delays fatigue and enhances athletic performance.
SF3 carries a high negative electrical charge that both cleans the blood and elliminates free radicals, viruses and other harmful organisms. It also improves bone mineralization, protects joints and fights the effect of ageing.

Hormonal Benefits –

The St. John’s Wart within SF3 helps overcome mental fatigue and acts as an anti-depressant by increasing the level of dopamine and serotonin in the brain. It is also effective for teenage depression as it helps balance hormones. It may help overcome insomnia or sleeplessness, ADHD, OCD and Premenstrual Syndrome.
SF3 improves digestion, combats kidney disease, metabolic acidosis, reduces heartburn and provides better colon functioning whilst removing heavy metals.
It provides a stronger immune function and protection from illnesses and is also a mild antiseptic. SF3 also provides a healthier looking skin, hair, nails and stronger bones. It also provides protection from fractures and osteoporosis as well as improved joint and ligament health and improved energy.

Category #4 – List of the best superfoods for longevity and energy production via retuning:

The list of superfoods that have the greatest benefit for longevity and energy are Astragalus and Beta-hydroxybutyrate. Beta Hydroxybutyrate (BHB) is actually an Exogenous Ketone Salt.

SF432 is a unique superfood blend from that focuses on energy production, longevity and the retuning of cells. It blends these two superfoods together for a unique retuning for your body. Furthermore, when combined with intermittent ketosis and intermittent fasting (a key principle of The LiCrON Health Programme) additional health benefits may be gained.

BHB Benefits:

BHB is a cleaner fuel than glucose and the primary function of BHB is to act as a cellular energy source. The brain, heart, skeletal muscle, and other bodily tissues are able to break down ketones and produce ATP to fuel themselves.

BHB promotes Ketone breakdown, which in turn leads to less ROS production. This is because the high heat combustion of BHB increases the efficiency of ATP production by the mitochondria, reducing the production of free radicals.

Furthermore, BHB actually protects against oxidative stress within cells. In a way, having high BHB is like having a “clean up crew” for your mitochondria.

This evidence suggests that substantial health and longevity benefits might come from reducing your reliance on glucose oxidation (“carb burning”) and increasing your metabolism of ketone – whether through fasting, exercise, or a low-carb diet (all part of The LiCrON Programme)

Brain Food

Our brains love BHB. Since we have monocarboxylate transporters on our blood-brain barrier, this means that BHB (and other ketone bodies) can travel across this membrane with relative ease. Once inside the brain, BHB can trigger the release of neurotrophic factors—chemicals that support the health of our neurons.

BHB also helps increase the synthesis of GABA—an inhibitory neurotransmitter that we need for proper brain health. This is probably one reason why ketogenic diets are beneficial for epilepsy; GABA can “calm down” over-excited neurons that are one of the causes of seizures.

Another role for BHB may be in reducing age-related cognitive decline.

BHB has been shown to inhibit a complex known as the NLRP inflammasome, which could reduce levels of inflammation within the brain. Studies support this—BHB is associated with better cognitive performance and memory in Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive deficit. In one study, BHB actually reversed symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.

Besides boosting brain health with age, BHB could also be a cognitive enhancer. However, we have to rely on mainly anecdotal evidence for this. Many people report that the ketogenic diet and exogenous ketones give them extra mental energy, clarity, and focus. This might be one benefit you need to experience for yourself.


Lifespan could also be enhanced through BHB by reducing the prevalence of age-related diseases like cognitive decline, cancer, and immune dysfunction.

Other lifespan-enhancing effects of BHB might be due to signaling effects within the body, including inhibition of histone deacetylases (HDACs), inflammation, and mTOR (a key player in cell growth and metabolism).All of these have been associated with the aging process.

But there is more to support anti-ageing than BHB . . .

Introducing Astragalus – the telomere extender!

Astragalus has been shown to lengthen telomeres and reverse cellular ageing. Telomeres diminish as people get older and thus protection of the telomeres may extend life as well as improve the quality. SF432, and in particular the Astragalus activates an enzyme called telomorase that directly helps prolong the integrity of the telomere. SF432 helps old cells retune to function as they did when they were younger tuning their gene expression to a younger phenotype.

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