The Be Super definition of Self actualisation:
Self actualisation is when you experience a pathway and a set of protocols that establish a knowing of multi-dimensional informational energy that channels through love and compassionate relationships.
Team or organisational actualisation is when you and others interact with love and compassion to co-create using the power of multi-dimensional energy.
Be Super provide support and guidance for Self & Team Actualisation, regeneration and trans-differentiation, using their own Protocols called VFP (Vibrational Frequency Programming) – that’s what BE SUPER are all about – read on:
VFP Membership is all about relationships and behaviour – initially relationships and behaviour between your physical, mental and emotional self. We then deal with everything from self-actualisation and relationships, trauma and chronic stress, to optimal health & fitness, finding purpose, altruistic endeavour, peace, enjoyment in life, team actualisation, regeneration and transdifferentiation.
Be Super uses ‘Vibrational Frequency Programming’ that requires a commitment of between 18 to 36 months to appreciate. IT IS A LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE –
We provide an opportunity. It is up to you to be receptive and act.
We do not push or pull – we provide supported guidance and illumination.
We provide online information for you to access individually whenever you find time.
There are progressive insights with prompts, released every Monday and Wednesday with a follow up on the Saturday during the walk and talk experience.
You can also experience VFP with others – as a couple, friends, family, or kindred spirits.
You can access all that we provide via your mobile or online. Our insights are delivered via videos and podcasts and further information links.
More significantly we also have interactive meetings and experiences – these are live interactions –
We also provide organised physical challenges, adventures, and retreats.
Please view the video below to see the range of activities we seek to provide – and to gain an appreciation of the type of moment in life we seek to support you and others through.
Your learning will benefit most from the personal interactions you share with us and others. You will learn as much from the silent, thinking and feeling moments as the discussions and practical experiences – you can interact physically with us or from the comfort of your own time and space – the key to transformation is to be present with us in the moment; and for you to recognise and take action to integrate the positive changes you will experience – with compassion.
There are no shortcuts, there is only more – this is an opportunity to continually re-new yourself and those around you for the better. We are looking for others who can take what we share and further build on it – you may be such a person, so, please journey and grow with us – for the benefit of all.
We are not seeking to change any beliefs or faiths; we seek to integrate the polarities/differences of thoughts, feelings, and actions from the physical world with the thoughts, feelings, and intuition of the non-physical world.
Click here for details of the next Walk and Talk.
To ask any questions or arrange a meeting:
- Ring Marcus Pearson (Mr. P) on 07931 326 164
- Connect with Marcus on LinkedIn
- Or simply enter your email address below to register as a FREE PROVISIONAL VFP Member – we will then be in contact.
OR continue with a longer version of the above:
You can scroll down and find out more about Self & Team Actualisation:
If you are reading or listening to this, congratulations – you are now on the correct pathway to solve your mystery – to find a solution to that which intrigues or challenges you.
You may not understand the words or messages you are about to read, and that is part of the intriguing pathway we offer – learning from positive new experiences is what we are about, and it takes a little more focus and time – so if you find this thought too much already STOP NOW.
If you are still here, we call this pathway Vibrational Frequency Programming (VFP), and it represents a set of 5 protocols towards your self-actualisation. Through our protocols you will learn how to integrate that which you are currently not aware of.
The Be Super definition of Self actualisation:
Self actualisation is when you experience a pathway and a set of protocols that establish a knowing of multi-dimensional informational energy that channels through love and compassionate relationships.
Team or organisational actualisation is when you and others interact with love and compassion to co-create using the power of multi-dimensional energy.
Understanding and using multi-dimensional information is not complicated and can be positively life changing for you and those you interact with.
We are initially limiting our protocol experiences to just ONE TEAM OF 10 INDIVIDUALS or TWO TEAMS OF 5 INDIVIDUALS –
Could or should you and others you know be taking advantage of this initial offer?
- Are you someone that seeks honesty and the truth rather than information that is provided for professional recognition, marketing, financial gain or ticking a box?
- Are you someone that seeks to find and communicate with love and compassion?
- Are you someone that recognises the challenges in implementing and being your authentic true self.
If the answer to these questions was yes – then you are a rare person – you are also a person most likely to have found or have been sent a link to this post – because we illuminate a pathway for solutions.
Self-actualisation with VFP is a pathway to find and distinguish the difference between your Ego, your Self, your Spirit, and your Soul. It also provides a knowing of how to use information from other dimensions. More significantly, we provide you with testing opportunities to measure and analyse base level and ongoing dimensional information. You will not only experience an improvement in physical, mental, and emotional aspects of your life and relationships, you will be able to measure and review. If this sounds too deep or complicated it isn’t – and all will be explained on our walk and talk experience.
THE VFP PATHWAY & 5 PROTOCOLS ARE UNIQUE and allow you to transfer new knowing to other aspects of your life for ease and flow – to be the best version of yourself. TO BE THE AUTHENTIC YOU, FREE FROM DIS-EASE, ILLNESS AND STRESS – AND CAPABLE OF FURTHER MAXIMISING OPPORTUNITIES IN LIFE WHILST HELPING OTHERS.
Like you, we don’t provide high valued support cheaply, or expect something for nothing, moreover, we don’t support time wasters or people who are not going to take action – IF YOU ARE NOT READY TO RECEIVE AND SHARE WE ARE HERE FOR WHEN YOU ARE.
We even test you out before accepting your membership.
Our FREE INTRODUCTORY walking and talking support modality has purpose – it makes you take action, physically move, and share dialogue – all essential components for our protocols – it is a subtle test.
We are offering an incentive to such people, this will only be revealed during the walk and talk’s.
We have 5 protocols and the latter ones involve mutualistic, and altruistic endeavour. We want to start with these, and with people who are already seeking to pursue life with love and compassion. We want to create a larger supportive network of others, so we help more people gain self-actualisation and team actualisation. We are no different to you, we have just devoted 9 years to developing our protocol experiences prior to sharing them.
We are now ready to lead, share and learn more – are you?
We are prepared to offer greater benefits to those who join us early; furthermore, you will be given opportunities to share and nurture your own unique attributes for everyone’s benefit.
If you are such a person, or know such a person – please read on . . .
For those who want it:
By sharing and integrating with love and compassion, you can benefit from that which otherwise you would have missed!
Are you ready?
Some people are happy with parts of their life, however, they also know they can refine other aspects of their life – they just don’t always want to admit it or ask for it. Such people are often searching for more information (or other like minded people) and testing things out – this may be you. You may be someone who ventures new pathways more than others, and this is because you are more connected to your true Self than your Ego. You may be seeking questions and answers relating to more non-physical aspects, or relationship aspects, or balancing purpose in your life, (possibly The Ultimate Purpose) – business or personal – the list is endless.
You may have a strong sense of individual identity (be more creative or entrepreneurial), or you may come from a perspective of supporting others, or being part of an existing team, an organisation, or from a group of like minded individuals who want to benefit others. If so, are you prepared to be nurtured as part of a self and team actualisation development – if so let’s walk and talk.
For those who need RATHER THAN WANT:
For those who NEED what we provide – they will NOT BE READING OR LISTENING TO THIS.
You however, may be the THE PERSON who knows someone that needs support, and this may be the opportunity you were looking for to best support them. If you are reading or listening to this – IT IS NOT A COINCIDENCE – IT WAS MEANT TO BE – PLEASE lets’ walk and talk – click here.
After our initial team is established, or possibly alongside it, we will be developing more specific Focus Groups:
We want those from our initial team to create and have their own Focus Groups, but for now, for us, they will be as follows:
Thank you for reading or listening to this,
Marcus, Sharon, and Morgan Pearson.
To find out more visit our Home Page, or to ask any questions or arrange a meeting:
- Ring Marcus on 07931 326 164
- Connect with Marcus on LinkedIn
- Or simply enter your email address below to register as a FREE PROVISIONAL VFP Member – we will then be in contact.

Marcus is focused on supporting others better interact with themselves and others.