Adverse childhood experiences (ACES’s) induce mineral dysregulation, that leads to metabolic dysfunction:

Adverse childhood experiences may be traumatic and involve chronic stress. Stress can mean not only emotional stress but also being scared or nervous. Stressors can be physical or emotional, real or perceived, and acute or chronic, and they can vary tremendously in their intensity. The impact of a stressor on an individual can also vary widely, ranging from negligible effects to life-threatening impacts.

Stress is the nonspecific response of the body to any demand for change. Excess or chronic psychological or environmental stress is associated with an increased risk of mental and physical diseases, with several mechanisms theorized to be associated with its detrimental effects.

One underappreciated potential mechanism relates to the effects of psychological and environmental stress on micronutrient concentrations. Micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) are essential for optimal physical and mental function, with deficiencies associated with an array of diseases.

Mineral dysfunction may also have an influence on neurodivergence.

Have you ever wondered why issues and challenges such as neurodivergence, trauma, chronic stress, bipolar, paranoia, psychosis, attachment issues as a victim or perpetrator VARY SO MUCH BETWEEN DIFFERENT PEOPLE. All of these are a result of signalling problems. The problem may be within the nervous system, the blood, the cellular tissue or the neurons and receptors. Wherever the problem arises it is due to a less than optimal chemical or electromagnetic exchange of information. The root cause of this is an imbalance in the minerals and micro-nutrients that control all the signalling transmission and reception.

More insights on this from the link at the end of this post.

What about medication for depression and anxiety?

Many drugs for depression, bipolar, and mania etc, include lithium as a main ingredient and mood enhancer. Most people dont realise the same benefits may be taken using a less harmful and natural variation – lithium orotate. This is incorporated into the LiCrON protocol from Be Super as part of their focus on health, fitness and wellbeing.

Education to supportive adults is essential:

The possibility of supporting children, young people, and adults, through changes in their food, drink and exercise is nothing new – however, it is often under estimated. With a supportive focus on lifestyle changes, then the way parents and carers do the shopping, fill the cupboards and fridges and make meals or run cooking sessions is crucial. The lack of public awareness, combined with the mass of mis-information, from profit making organisations, does nothing to help the situation. The lack of teaching on nutrition provided to doctors is frightening. Pharmaceutical options for dealing with misdiagnosed symptoms are often based on natural remedies.

The problem is deep and based on a ‘fear’ of not ticking boxes! 

Most people struggle with willpower; they struggle to resist eating and drinking things that they know are bad for them. It is easy to lay blame with the health and medical profession, however, how can an alternative free solution work – when it would involve people having to learn more about how to eat and rink healthy. Not only would most people not do it, nor understand what they were learning, they would lack the willpower to change lifestyle habits. It is understandable that the solution has become one that puts the decision making on ‘professional’ (with almost no knowledge of the subject), to prescribe drugs (patented chemicals) to replace natural solutions. The taking of tablets is much easier to do –  especially when you can leave people to continue doing that which harmed them in the first place.

Taking action from experts:

An expert is not someone who is qualified with information that is geared to support the cause of the problem. An expert is someone that has experience of doing that which works, and in finding practical ways to support others make it work for them. If such an expert is available for you – it is only fear and the lack of willpower that prevents any action. Mr. P from Be Super is such an expert and he seeks to support everyone involved in supporting children and young people with ACE’s (and without), to benefit from mineral balance.

Better sleep, more energy, more mental clarity, less anxiety and stress, less hunger and mood swings, and better hormonal balance  – all provide a foundation for improved learning and social interaction. Imagine having this foundation from which to work on changing negativity to positivity. IT WORKS – SO WHY WOULD YOU NOT SUPPORT SUCH AN APPROACH?

Such an approach is only part of a BIGGER THERAPEUTIC EDUCATIONAL RE-THINK AND PRACTICAL STRATEGY – you need to consider giving it a serious try.

Let’s take you a little deeper . . . 

Cortisol dysregulates magnesium, potassium, zinc, calcium, and iron:

Stress produces too much cortisol, which in turn dysregulates the HPA axis. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is a vital body system. The parts of the HPA axis include the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, and the adrenal glands.

Cortisol isn’t supposed to be produced for long periods of time. Its production should end when the stressful event is over.

  • If it doesn’t cortisol may suppress the immune system.
  • If that dampening continues, the person could be more susceptible to infections.
  • Higher levels of cortisol over long periods may also affect memory and attention.

Some of the other conditions that can occur with too much cortisol in the body include:2

  • Diabetes: A disease that affects the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels
  • Dyslipidemia: Having lipid levels in the blood that are out of the normal range
  • Hypertension: High blood pressure which could lead to complications, such as heart disease
  • Neurodegeneration: Damage to nerve cells in the body, which can have many effects on the body
  • Osteoporosis: A condition that causes bones to become thinner and break more easily.

Acute stress is associated with allergic manifestations, such as asthma, eczema, or urticaria; migraines and headaches; hypertensive or hypotensive attacks; different types of pain conditions; gastrointestinal symptoms such as pain, indigestion, diarrhea, and constipation; and mental health disturbances such as panic attacks and psychotic episodes.

Chronic stress is also associated with several disorders and diseases, including mental health disturbances such as anxiety and depression; neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease ; cardiovascular diseases ; metabolic disorders such as obesity, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes mellitus ; sleep disorders such as insomnia and restless leg syndrome ; and several cancers .

Studies on autism and ADHD:

A study from 2020 showed that children with autism and ADHD had lower magnesium in their hair and excreted too much magnesium in their urine (hair testing is an excellent way to establish the amount of minerals within the tissues). For this reason, hair and urinary magnesium levels were considered significant predictors of neurodevelopmental disorders. Different forms of magnesium have different functions – and this is significant, because some magnesium supports energy, whilst other magnesium supports sleep.

Gut-Brain Connection

It has become clear that the brain is not the only organ involved in autism and ADHD. The gastrointestinal tract (GI) is equally important in the etiology and treatment of autism. Many children with autism and ADHD experience gastrointestinal problems, such as constipation, diarrhea and abdominal pain. And these GI symptoms often coincide with changes in mood and behavior.

Studies have found that the GI problems common in ASD and ADHD are often the result of imbalances in gut bacteria, food sensitivities, or insufficient digestive enzymes. Diet modifications and supplements may help address both GI issues and mood/behavior issues

Key mineral depletions due to stress include magnesium, potassium

References –

More on neurodivergence – click here.

For more details on the BIGGER PERSPECTIVE click here.

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By Mr P

Marcus is focused on supporting others better interact with themselves and others.

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